Stephen King

Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author. Called the "King of Horror", he has also explored other genres, among them suspense, crime, science-fiction, fantasy and mystery.[3] He has also written approximately 200 short stories, most of which have been published in collections.[4] His debut, Carrie (1974), established him in horror. Different Seasons (1982), a collection of four novellas, was his first major departure from the genre. Among the films adapted from King's fiction are Carrie, Christine, The Shining, The Dead Zone, Stand by Me, Misery, Dolores Claiborne, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and It. He has published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman and has co-written works with other authors, notably his friend Peter Straub and sons Joe Hill and Owen King. He has also written nonfiction, notably On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.

斯蒂芬·埃德温·金(Stephen Edwin King,1947年9月21日—),美国作家,编写过剧本、专栏评论,曾担任电影导演、制片人以及演员。代表作品有《闪灵》《肖申克的救赎》《末日逼近》《死光》《绿里奇迹》《暗夜无星》等。 斯蒂芬·金1947年出生于美国缅因州一贫困家庭。两岁时父亲离家一去不返,母亲辛苦操持家庭。十四岁时,他在家阁楼发现装着父亲所藏恐怖小说的箱子,由此迷上恐怖小说,立志成为恐怖小说作家。中学时代,他开始创作并向杂志投稿,还创办小型讽刺类报纸,在校园引起轰动。缅因州大学期间,他担任校刊主笔之一。毕业后,他白天在汽车修理站工作,晚上写恐怖小说,后到中学任英语老师也坚持写作,不过那时作品不受认可,常陷入经济拮据。1974年,其第三部恐怖小说《嘉莉》成为畅销书,他才摆脱经济困境。80年代末至90年代初,他题材与创作特征延续以往,但情节编排更新颖,像《黑暗的另一半》初版印150万册,创美国出版史精装本小说初版印数最高纪录,《杰拉德的游戏》也让人眼前一亮。 2023年6月,参与编剧的电影《柜魔》上映;10月,编剧的奇幻恐怖电影《宠物坟场2》登陆Paramount+。2024年10月,编剧的电影《撒冷镇》上线Max。2025年2月21日,参与编剧的恐怖片《乔利黑猩猩》将在北美上映。

Books by Stephen King