Dans un rayon de soleil

544 pages

French language

Published by Éditions Gallimard.


View on Inventaire

4 stars (1 review)

Aux confins de l'espace, Mia s'engage sur un vaisseau dont l'équipage restaure des structures architecturales du passé. Alors qu'elle semble y trouver une nouvellle famille, ses souvenirs refont surface : cinq ans auparavant, elle a rencontré Grace au pensionnat et en est tombée éperdument amoureuse...

3 editions

Cute, long, Found Family Sci-Fi Comic

4 stars

I swear I at least started this at some previous point, because I REMEMBERED the first part of the story, but I don't know if I didn't finish it before the library wanted it back, or if I just forgot the second half of the book. But it's a sweet found family story set in space. Told in Two Timelines. Do recommend if you have time for a 500+ page comic