
A Biography

Hardcover, 446 pages

English language

Published Nov. 12, 1995 by Alfred A. Knopf.

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God. He is ubiquitous. He seems familiar to us, yet he remains mysterious. Who exactly is he? What is his "life story"?

These are the audacious questions Jack Miles dares to ask in a book that deeply enriches our concept of God and our understanding of him. In its pages a God too long frozen in the awe of his worshipers is animated and moves with a terrifying, thrilling, sometimes deeply poignant, vividness.

Miles shows us God in the guise of a great literary character, the hero of the Old Testament. In a close, careful, and inspired reading of that testament--book by book, verse by verse--God is seen from his first appearance as Creator to his last as Ancient of Days. The God whom Miles reveals to us is a warrior whose greatest battle is with himself. We see God torn by conflicting urges. To his own sorrow, he is …

8 editions


  • Bible. O.T. -- Criticism, interpretation, etc
  • God -- Biblical teaching
  • Bible as literature
