product-dev Public

Created and curated by Gabriel

  1. The Design of Everyday Things by 

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    Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner …

  2. Change by design by 

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    The myth of innovation is that brilliant ideas leap fully formed from the minds of geniuses. In reality, most innovations …

  3. Biomimicry by 

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    This profound and accessible book details how science is studying nature’s best ideas to solve our toughest 21st-century problems. If …

  4. The Idea Factory by 

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    From its beginnings in the 1920s until its demise in the 1980s, Bell Labs-officially, the research and development wing of …

  5. Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Produtos by , , , and 3 others

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    Esta obra apresenta um modelo completo e estruturado para a gestão do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Resultado da união …

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