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Joined 3 years ago

I'm Ri and I love Reading.

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Conversations with Nisargadatta Maharaj. English translation of question-answer sessions with Advaita Vedanta (non-duality) guru in …

The online library was saying this book was 200ish pages. And I was like: I don't understand while reading this is taking me forever! (online library has no page numbers once you open the book.) And then I spotted the book in the normal library catholog. 900 pages. Based on how long it took me to read it, that's a lot more believable. Anyway Shri Nisaghardetta Maharaj is a really wise man and he taught me a lot. But after a few hundred pages he starts repeating himself a bit.

From Dust and Ashes (Paperback, 2003, Moody Publishers) 4 stars

It is 1945, and a group of American soldiers liberate a Nazi concentration camp. Helene …

When a war ends

4 stars

This book starts where all the other books stop: The end of the nazi regime. It's not really over when the war ends, is it? There are starving prisoners everywhere. Fleeing nazi's. American soldiers. And 'normal' German citizens trying to figure out their new position in all of this. It was a bit annoying that the main character 'did the right thing' from the beginning of the book, she stood out, she wasn't a typical German woman because of this. Also didn't care for the Christian sauce where all the main characters needed to find God, but overall it was a very interesting read.

Author Neale Donald Walsch has had an actual Conversation with God. Whether or not you …

life changing

5 stars

I don't usually do reviews but I thought I could copy what I texted to a friend about this book:

I finished the 3rd book except the afterword and I can say these 3 books literally changed my life I lost most of my faiths and found something better I found myself I found God (same thing) the new story, I have questions but, it's a circle everything is a circle finally life makes sense finally I know how to be happy or not be happy - it's my choice now my poor mind is still like: wait, so, aliens? but my soul is rejoicing she knows she remembers she waited for me to remember too all my lives I don't think I'm fully there I'm not enlightened or something but I remember more than I did for century's I can become whatever I want to become I can create …