Reviews and Comments

Chad Nelson

Joined 3 years, 5 months ago

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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow 3 stars

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a 2022 novel by Gabrielle Zevin. Amazon named it …

Fun, but sometimes unsatisfying

3 stars

I had lots of fun reading Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, like a great video game with an engaging story, but there were just a few, crucial moments in the book that left me unsatisfied.

One of it's central theme, about the eternal cycle of life giving us chances to start, fail, and start again, maybe to succeed this time, like someone playing a video game, is fun, and the parallels with players on a stage (hence the quote from Shakespeare as the title) and another layer of reflection on the other theme, the role games can play in our lives.

I liked the characters but sometimes found them inauthentic, acting in ways to make a point or progress the plot, and not necessarily true to who I thought they were. Ultimately, some key moments in the narrative fell flat, jarring me into disbelief, and breaking the spell. Still a …

Fire Logic: An Elemental Logic novel (2019, Small Beer Press) 5 stars

Earth * Air * Water * Fire

These elements have sustained the peaceful people of …

High fantasy with queer characters and hope for a better world

5 stars

How do you change the world? How do you break cycles of bitterness, revenge, and violence that drag all involved down into despair and misery, even when it temporary masquerades as "justice"?

Those questions are at the heart of this fantasy novel full of vibrant, fully realized queer characters. Each character brings their own history and personal struggles to those questions, with Marks' deft storytelling weaving them into a coherent and touching narrative.

Will definitely be reading the rest of this series asap.

The Library Book (2018) 4 stars

On the morning of April 28, 1986, a fire alarm sounded in the Los Angeles …

Interesting history of the LA public Library

4 stars

Part history of a calamitous fire, part true crime investigation, with sprinkles of snapshots into the life of current public library workers and those of the past.

I enjoyed this book, though not really for what it was supposed to be. I feel like the investigation into the cause of the fire fizzled out quickly, a sort of non-story with no satisfying conclusion.

But the snapshots of the lives of previous and current library staff was absolutely delightful. Some real strong characters in the libraries history who really shine in this book.

Overall, interesting and enjoyable.

Terminal Boredom (Paperback, 2021, Verso Books) 3 stars

"Born from the obsessive and highly idiosyncratic mind of a cult figure of the Japanese …

Interesting ideas but boring writing

3 stars

Speculative fiction short stories by a mid-20th century feminist Japanese performance artist and writer…what’s not to like? Well, the writing, that’s what. I found myself consistently interested in the ideas but bored by the actual writing. Characters were hollow vehicles for ideas and plot and I just could not get into it.

Prayer for the Crown-Shy (2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 5 stars

After touring the rural areas of Panga, Sibling Dex (a Tea Monk of some renown) …

Like a soothing cup of tea

5 stars

Another sweet and generous tale, so full of heart and the doubts that can fill one. I found myself moved to think about the world differently and literally reconsidered my career choices at one point while reading. The way the author teases out ideas about identity and self-perception really landed for me.

On a less positive note, this book got me trouble when I laughed out loud in bed and woke up my wife who had just nodded off. Thanks Becky!

COBOL WITH STYLE (Hayden Books) 4 stars

Inspired by the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and White--in that the authors address those …

Suprising resonant though I don't know COBOL

4 stars

I picked this book up on a whim when it was on a free shelf outside a store in a tiny town in New Mexico. I was intrigued by a book about programming from 1976 with a cover that gave a feeling of downright whimsy; cherubs, intricate ornamental patterns along the border. And even the title: "COBOL with Style" gave it a more modern feel. Most older programming books I have encountered have a much dryer, matter-of-fact presentation, setting out to teach you the facts of the language.

Though I've never written a line of COBOL in my life, and never plan to, I decided to read this anyway and I was pleasantly surprised by how much of it felt applicable. It spends most of the first half encouraging you not to just jump into programming, but spending time upfront assessing and fleshing out the actual problem, planning your approach …

Milagro Beanfld War (Paperback, 1986, Ballantine Books) 5 stars

Joe Mondragon, thirty-six with not much to show for it, a feisty hustler with a …

A war of ideas, via beans

5 stars

A wildly entertaining and enthralling story of a small New Mexico town (Milagro) and the effects of money, power, history, and perception, on the lives of both its residents, both poor and wealthy. The author spares no paragraphs in telling the sometimes tragic, sometimes ridiculous, history of the towns residents, many of whose families date back to original Spanish settlers.

What I've really been left thinking about is the statement it makes about the outsized importance that the perception of power plays in determining the towns fate. While the richest person in town (referred to via nicknames and translation from Spanish as "Vulture" Devine ) has accumulated most of the land and power in town, seizing on the times of weakness of the poor, what doomed the residents, and their ancestors, to dispossession was their perception that they were powerless. The crux of the novel is about taking power, even …

Japanese Tales of Lafcadio Hearn (EBook, 2019, Princeton University Press) 4 stars

A collection of twenty-eight brilliant and strange stories, inspired by Japanese folk tales and written …

Japanese fairy tales as told by an outsider/insider

4 stars

I really enjoyed these spooky fairy tales with mercurial fairy kings, a woman whose soul was a tree, nefarious floating ghost heads, and more. Apparently Hearn collected these tales over his decades settling into a Japanese life, translating and selecting ones he’d thought would be interesting to a Western audience.

I was fascinated by the life of Lafcadio Hearn as described in the introduction. His peripatetic biography was wild, from tiny Greek Island childhood to London pauper, to Midwestern reporter to chronicler of New Orleans backways, and then ultimately settling in Japan. I think I’ll be reading more about him based in this.

What It Means When A Man Falls From The Sky (2018, Tinder Press) 5 stars

"A dazzlingly accomplished debut collection explores the ties that bind parents and children, husbands and …

Beautifully crafted stories and characters

5 stars

A joy to read , even when the stories themselves deal with difficult topics, because of the effortless flow of the narrative in each short tale. As a collection, it gives a kind of kaleidoscopic view of Nigéria: past, present, and future; from hard nosed reality to speculative magical realism; from the homeland to the diaspora. Absolutely loved it and can’t wait to read more from the author.

Black Jesus and Other Superheroes (2017, University of Nebraska Press) 3 stars

Black Jesus and Other Superheroes chronicles ordinary people achieving vivid extrasensory perception while under extreme …

Not as good as I’d hoped

3 stars

A collection of short stories, with an emphasis on short. Many 2 page stories that felt more like an idea for a short story, or a scene from a full story. Perhaps a stylistic choice to go along with the “peek in my on someones life” theme of these stories, but it just felt jarring to me. The author also goes heavy on literary stylistics, using unusual and surprising metaphors and descriptions, which I found distracting and confusing. That said, I really enjoyed he last two stories in this collection which are longer and more fleshed out, where the author’s style is spread out around exposition that helps ground the characters, enriching them to be more than mere vehicles for ideas.

Borges, a life (2004, Viking) 4 stars

Edwin Williamson’s major new biography is the first in any language to encompass the entire …

Like a narrator for Borges' inner monologue

4 stars

The thing I found most enthralling about this biography of Borges, is also what gave me pause: the intense and assured focus on Borges' inner life and its influence on his writing. Williamson spins a compelling narrative about the how the traumas, and occasional triumphs, of Borges personal life were the driving force behind the triumphs, and occasional traumas, of his public life as an author, poet, and scholar. The book delves deep into the formative experiences of his life, from isolated in-home education and the wonder of his father's library, the pressure of his storied patrician familial background and his mother's expectations, to his struggle's with romantic love and his own insecurities about being worthy of it. Williamson's depiction of Borges channeling those feelings into writing is persuasive and effortless, almost always letting the actions and creative works speak for themselves in showing their relationship.

And yet...while I found …

Lioness (Paperback, 2019, Schocken) 5 stars

"The definitive biography of Golda Meir: the iron-willed leader, chain-smoking political operative, and tea-and-cake-serving grandmother …

Thorough examination of a complicated life

5 stars

I only just barely recognized Golda Mier's name when I started this as part of a book club, but I was absolutely gripped through all of the almost 900 pages of her life. Born in Kyiv in Tsarist Russia, as a child she moving with her family to Milwaukee to escape anti-Semitism and pogroms. Coming of age in America, she was deeply impact by the American labor movement of the 1910's, and she carried those socialist ideals with her when she emigrated to Palestine to become a settler and live on a kibbutz. Through her life is told the story of the creation of the state of Israel, from it's political struggles under English colonial rule, to it's attempts to construct a new government that could keep the promise to the millions of immigrants, to it's seemingly endless wars with neighboring countries. Klagsburn does a wonderful job of telling the …