Interzone #283 (September-October 2019)


English language

Published Aug. 31, 2019 by TTA Press.

4 stars (1 review)

2 editions

A better than average issue of Interzone.

4 stars

A better than average issue, with interesting stories by Fiona Moore, David Cleden and Dustin Blair Steinacker.

  • "The Winds and Persecutions of the Sky" by Robert Minto: two people with ambitions to move to the cleanest parts of their skyscraper habitat (the basement) decide to explore upwards instead, leading them to a world with dust, dirt and an entirely new world outside their building.

  • "Of the Green Spires" by Lucy Harlow: an alien-like plant 'invades' Oxford, producing various fruits as it encircles the buildings. But one day, it withdraws from the city to form its own plant city elsewhere. And the people who come to live in it experience a whole new way of life.

  • "Jolene" by Fiona Moore: a story involving a man and his intelligent truck. In this world, cars and trucks are sentient. A 'car psychologist' is tasked to bring a man and his truck back together, …