Interzone #280 (March-April 2019)


English language

Published March 17, 2019 by TTA Press.

4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

A better than average issue of Interzone.

4 stars

A better than average issue with three good stories by Val Nolan, Maria Haskins and Nicholas Kaufmann and an emotional tale by Shauna O'Meara.

  • "Cyberstar" by Val Nolan: an interesting story that starts with the narrator's eyes being gouged out (ewwww), followed by the events that lead up to it and the events following it. He's now part of a cultish group on an asteroid, whose leader plans to immortalize himself and his followers by becoming a part of 'god'. But things don't turn out as planned when the narrator turns out to have altered the immortalization scheme.

  • "And You Shall Sing to Me a Deeper Song" by Maria Haskins: a fascinating story about a singer who, when fitted with augmentations, gets the ability to 'hear' and to 'alter' the behaviour of robots, usually destroying them. The story is set in the aftermath of a war against the robots where …