tlock: Practical timelock encryption based on threshold BLS

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tlock: Practical timelock encryption based on threshold BLS (2023, Real World Crypto 2023)

Published March 29, 2023 by Real World Crypto 2023.

5 stars (1 review)

We present a practical method to achieve timelock encryption, where a ciphertext is guaranteed to be decrypted only after a specified amount of time has passed or a date has been reached. We use an existing threshold network implementing the BLS signature scheme and use it in the context of Boneh and Franklin's identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme. The threshold network acts as a decentralised Private Key Generator in the IBE scheme where identities are the round numbers and secret keys are the randomness associated with this round output by the beacon. Therefore anyone can encrypt a message towards a specific round, which can be only be decrypted when the threshold network releases the associated randomness. A noticeable advantage of this scheme is that only users (senders and recipients) are required to perform additional cryptographic operations; the threshold network does not need to be aware of any encryption happening and does …

1 edition

A breakthrough if it withstands scrutiny

5 stars

This paper (and the associated code/service: may be one of the most/only valuable contributions to come from the entire web3 ecosystem. The ability to commit to a future decryption time is a powerful primitive, such as in auctions, coordinated disclosure, and other "dead man's switch" scenarios.

I look forward to this work being critiqued and built-upon for a whole host of interesting offerings.