Warlord Wants Forever

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Warlord Wants Forever (2017, Pocket Star)

188 pages

English language

Published Dec. 31, 2017 by Pocket Star.


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1 edition

Review of 'Warlord Wants Forever' on 'Storygraph'

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When I started the book I was intrigued by the premise, but this is just bad and confusing writing (the contemporary references in a medieval setting?), and I didn't know what was going on for a good while. The world building here is somewhat extensive, but you get thrown in without explanation. This can be an interesting approach when the writing is good...  but it isn't working here. 

Also not a fan of the non-consensual sexual acts, and without going into too much detail, I don't think that the scenes I read are questionable consent but just straight out coercion. <spoiler> Making somebody pleasure themselves or making them orgasm by force - even if you're not personally touching them - is not ok, and it's not sexy. Suggesting a "she enjoyed it" angle here is hugely problematic and was ultimately what made me DNF. </spoiler>


  • Fiction, romance, paranormal
  • Vampires, fiction