Korean language

Published July 14, 2021 by 알라딘.

4 stars (1 review)

과거로부터 오늘까지 오늘로부터 미래까지 또는 바로 오늘의 서점

김초엽, 신유진, 심완선, 심채경 , 원도, 재영, 정지돈 일곱 명의 작가가 기억하고 상상하는 서점의 풍경

알라딘은 22주년을 맞아 일곱 명의 작가에게 '서점/책방'에 관한 글을 의뢰했습니다. 픽션, 논픽션, 산문, 운문, 기억, 증언, 혹은 그 모든 것의 합, 서점과 책방 이야기가 바탕이 된다면 무엇이든 가능하다는 요청이었습니다. 이 책은 그 결과물입니다.

1 edition

Is this the sunset era of physical bookstores?

4 stars

I downloaded the Aladin's ebook app to be notified of free ebook rentals! One was written by Kim Choyeop, one of my favorite authors, so I binged the whole thing in one sitting, finishing the read at 7AM.

It's a bit unfair to say this book is written by Kim Choyeop, as it is a collection of essays (and a short story) about bookstores. Reflecting the constant anxiety of an industry constantly under threat, many authors ponder what is the existential purpose of (physical) bookstores in an era in which the average person doesn't read a single book, and those who do, read lots of ebooks?

It was reassuring that there are some lunatics like me still out there that like physical bookstores. Casually browsing Barnes & Nobles or the university library and returning home with some books that randomly piqued my interest is one of my favorite things to …