Koven Smith rated A Game of Thrones: 4 stars

A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
A Game of Thrones is the first novel in A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels …
Arts grantmaker living in Austin, TX. Jazz, museums, pre-Kurtzman Star Trek, so forth and such as. Also in the fediverse at @5easypieces@social.coop.
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A Game of Thrones is the first novel in A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of fantasy novels …
A Clash of Kings is the second novel in A Song of Ice and Fire, an epic fantasy series by …
The Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame inductee and co-founder of Talking Heads presents a celebration of music that offers insight into …
Uncertainty (Paperback, 2008, Anchor)
The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa.--Werner …
The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood is a book by science history writer James Gleick, published in March …
The Appalachian Trail stretches from Georgia to Maine and covers some of the most breathtaking terrain in America—majestic mountains, silent …
Sam & Dave Dig a Hole (Hardcover, 2014, Candlewick Press)
Sam and Dave are on a mission. A mission to find something spectacular. So they dig a hole. And they …
"Man is born free, but he is everywhere in cubicles." How did we get from Scrooge's office to "Office Space"? …
On China is a 2011 non-fiction book by Henry Kissinger, former National Security Adviser and United States Secretary of State. …
Ender's Game is a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set at an unspecified date …
A fascinating, innovative, and optimistic look at how humanity and technology join to produce increasing opportunities in the world and …
索拉里斯星是一颗围绕双星运转的星球,表面被胶质海洋覆盖。根据人类既有的认知,这样的星球的运转轨道应该是不稳定的。但仅仅过了十几年,人们就发现,索拉里斯星的轨道并没有显示出预期的变化。这激发了人类对这颗星球无限的兴趣。 心理学家凯尔文降落到索拉里斯星,迎接他的不是同伴们的热烈欢迎,而是杂乱的太空站、疯癫的科研人员和凝重的暗黑气氛,他试图弄清楚到底发生了什么,直到在一片扑朔迷离中撞见自己已经过世十年的妻子……