Marketing Made Simple (Hardcover, Thomas Nelson) 5 stars

A guide for businesses to market their products by email and website.

Excellent marketing for online businesses

5 stars

[My review of the 12min summary]

The book appears to be targeted at online sellers. The authors present their "ridiculously pragmatic" five-step marketing blueprint. This blueprint is based on a series of emails and your website. The book makes a lot of sense. If you're trying to run an online business, this is an excellent book to learn marketing from.

The authors say that an online business relationship follows the same path as an actual human-to-human relationship. These relationships are built slowly and move through three stages: 1. Curiosity 2. Enlightenment 3. Commitment

This is where the five-step marketing blueprint comes in. It guides the customer through this journey.

STEPS ONE AND TWO You draw the customer through the Curiosity stage with the One-Liner and the Website.

The One-Liner has three parts: 1. Start with the problem 2. State the solution in the middle 3. Close things out by revealing …