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Ginny Wood Locked account

Joined 2 years, 3 months ago

I #read #mystery, #LiteraryFiction, #Bibliography (of both animals and people!), #History, #Psychology, #Pedagogy, #SciFi, #thriller, anything about #dogs, #feminist #fiction and #nonfiction, and am currently trying to expand my too-white horizons with #BlackWomen authors and #Indigenous, #NativeAmerican #AmericanIndian authors. You may know me as @PshrinkEmeritus or @Virginia_Wood_ over on the bird site or as I have been a fiend for reading since I was a little kid and am never, ever without a book ready to hand. . . or multiple, teetering TBR files lol

I read to learn and to escape--mostly the former by day, the latter in bed. It's not a good day if I haven't had time to read!

On a more serious level, am working my way through the #Tipitaka (the #PaliCanon) verse by verse, and have a mess of books on #Buddhism in my TBR pile.

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Thursday Murder Club Book 3 (2022, Diversified Publishing) 5 stars

Excellent as always!

4 stars

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