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Justin Abrahms

Joined 2 days, 14 hours ago

I'm a software engineer with an interest in solarpunk topics.

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Justin Abrahms's books

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Read Write Own (2024, Random House) 3 stars

A potent exploration of the power of blockchains to reshape the future of the internet—and …

Crypto-hopeful-but-skeptical.. but now more hopeful and less skeptical

4 stars

I thought this was a very solid book. I'd recommend giving it a read for the crypto skeptical. I had my own understanding of crypto which was pretty well validated.. but it did serve to educate me on some recent developments in that space (like ethereum's proof-of-stake migration). My broader notes on the book are here: and my views on crypto before reading the book are here:

The Goblin Emperor (Paperback, 2019, REBCA) 3 stars

Maia, the youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, …

Review of 'The Goblin Emperor' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Not bad but stuffy names

I liked the book. I'd read even more if there was more to read. I found the names to be a bit obstructive to reading. They are too similar, too numerous and could have just as well done without them in many cases.

Bound for Glory (2004, Penguin Books Ltd) 4 stars

First published in 1943, this autobiography is also a superb portrait of America's Depression years, …

Review of 'Bound for Glory' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Solid and down to earth

I loved the vibrant wording and harkening back to the era of trains. There are lots of parallels today of the downtrodden, though these days the white poor are a bit better off than they were.