*sings a little song * stuff is happppppennning
Reviews and Comments
Also @ansate@social.coop
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ansate commented on Emma by Jane Austen
ansate started reading Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai
ansate commented on Lord of chaos by Robert Jordan
ansate commented on Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis
This book makes me want to have a discussion about where the line sits between literary fiction and fantasy.
I want to argue that this was literary fiction, but i need to sharpen my arguments beyond “it took itself seriously in a way that made it easy to take it seriously, even tho it had funny bits”
ansate commented on The Alice network by Kate Quinn
ansate commented on The Alice network by Kate Quinn
ansate commented on Emma by Jane Austen
ansate commented on Lord of chaos by Robert Jordan
ansate commented on Head Over Heels by Jill Mansell
I love an easy to read, soothing romance. That’s what i need this week.