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Arie van Deursen

Joined 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Educator and researcher in software engineering at Delft University of Technology. Although I love fiction, I use this Bookwyrm account mostly to manage professional books on software architecture, testing, technical leadership, and digitalization.

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Working Effectively with Legacy Code (2004, Prentice Hall) 5 stars

Get more out of your legacy systems, more performance, functionality, reliability, and manageability.Is your code …

Making legacy systems testable

5 stars

Excellent collection of techniques that will enable you to develop test cases for code that you thought was hard to test.

Very code-centric with a focus on object-orientation. Since the book’s publication mocking frameworks (e.g. Mockito) have advanced considerably, so some of the ideas are now even easier to use.

The problem of legacy systems is of course bigger than OO code (databases, COBOL). But for cleaning up and testing OO code, this is a great resource.

Model-Based System Architecture, 2nd edition (2022, Wiley) 2 stars

In the newly revised Second Edition of Model-Based System Architecture, a team of expert engineers …

Broad yet abstract

2 stars

I read this being interested in software architecture, trying to learn about the systems architecting perspective. I liked the systems-of-systems perspective, emphasizing loose coupling, emergent behavior, operational independence, independent management of elements, and evolutionary developments. But I disliked the (imho somewhat excessive) use of SysML to explain the concepts in the book, such as the definition of what architecture is. Also, while the book is over 400 pages, the material still seems fairly abstract and at times superficial. The book is not very personal, and the authors bring in very little of their own experience in the book.

Zo hadden we het niet bedoeld (Paperback, Dutch language, 2021, De Correspondent) 4 stars

Tienduizenden families werden vermalen door de overheid. Relaties liepen op de klippen, banen raakten verloren, …

Wat moet er veranderen?

4 stars

Wow. Belangrijke analyse voor iedereen die geeft om democratie. Wat hadden Kamerleden, rechters, ambtenaren bij ministeries (financiën, sociale zaken) en de belastingdienst, leden van het kabinet, journalisten, en lezers en kijkers van (sociale) media anders kunnen en moeten doen om de toeslagenaffaire te voorkomen?