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Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

paranoia, ya, l'environnement, sapphic romance, possibly not in that order. can't speak french™ but pretend to flip through the odd french book


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Written in the Stars (Paperback, 2020, HarperCollins Publishers) 5 stars

With nods to Bridget Jones and Pride and Prejudice, a charming #ownvoices queer rom-com …

My inner monologue meets its match

5 stars

I'm not a gorgeous actuarial lesbian, but I've got the stick-in-the-mud bit down. Reading the chapters written in Darcy's voice is like seeing my internal monologue put to paper. That rabbit hole she leaps into is one that I've peered into a lot.

Another book for which I'm absolutely not the target audience, but acts as a sunnier, happier alternate universe. Who wouldn't want more of those?

Written in the Stars (Paperback, 2020, HarperCollins Publishers) 5 stars

With nods to Bridget Jones and Pride and Prejudice, a charming #ownvoices queer rom-com …

Darcy wasn’t a thrill seeker and she didn’t like roller coasters.… Surprisingly, what she disliked wasn’t the drop, but the moments before, when the rickety boxcar would creep up the metal track, higher and higher, her heart crawling into her throat as she gripped the bar in front of her for dear life. As if clutching a silly metal rod would spare her in the event of an emergency, total disaster. Those anxious moments right before the plunge, when all those worst-case scenarios would flit through her head, but getting off the ride wasn’t an option. Stuck, knowing what would come next, dreading it and being able to do nothing, Darcy hated being out of control, at the mercy of chance.

Written in the Stars by  (33%)

Imogen, Obviously (2023, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) 5 stars

Imogen Scott has questions…

Imogen Scott may be hopelessly heterosexual, but she’s got the World’s …

On permanent record

5 stars

I read this some time ago, quietly gave it five stars, and slipped out the side door. I still am not in a position to explain my reasoning, but the hardback is nestled between I Kissed Shara Wheeler and One Last Stop.

Imogen, Obviously (2023, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) 5 stars

Imogen Scott has questions…

Imogen Scott may be hopelessly heterosexual, but she’s got the World’s …

I've always had such a pliable center. I like being who people expect me to be. It's not that I'm trying to change who I am. I just want who I am to make sense. In every context. Without any uncertainty or contradiction. Which means pinning down who I'm supposed to be in any given situation and adjusting my feelings accordingly.

Imogen, Obviously by  (Page 348)

If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable (2022, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John) 2 stars

We occasionally see statistics indicating that mining consumes more power than entire cities or even countries. While the numbers are controversial, it is nevertheless clear that mining consumes a lot of energy, which is why better methods are being continuously developed.…

Using technology will always consume electricity. Watching Netflix, gaming online, and making Google searches all use power. So does searching for new medicines or creating art. We should not slow or stop technological development simply because some types of power generation are polluting the environment and warming our planet.

If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable by  (62%)

It requires, however, no power to throw a book at the wall.

If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable (2022, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John) 2 stars

Modern cars are data centers on four wheels, and their systems require security updates throughout the car's service life.… Nobody expects to get free spare parts for their car, and neither should you get free software updates. Once the car is old enough, the original manufacturer could release the software platform for anyone to update. As long as there are buyers, someone will write the updates—much like you can still buy new brake pads for cars built in the 1970s.

If It's Smart, It's Vulnerable by  (48%)

Aftermarket software updates at the price the market will bear. Sounds very secure.