Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 5 months ago

Trying to find a better way to track books I want to read than a random spreadsheet. I had used which was provided by my local public library until they shut down the program. Luckily, I regularly backed it up via their CSV export. I've used Library Thing for years, but adding books for "To Read" really screwed up a lot of the other features of the website, like recommendations, etc. I really love Free Software & the Fediverse particularly. My primary social media account is on Friendica for now everything I post here is automatically "re-tooted" there.

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Mox (Hardcover, 2021, Permuted Press) 3 stars

A vivid trip through the mind of the top professional wrestler in the business - …

He's no Mick Foley

3 stars

Jon Moxley has wanted to be Mick Foley his whole life. He talks in the book about loving Cactus Jack in WCW. And it continues with his attempt at being a New York Times best selling author. And just like in everything else, Mox is good but its no Have a Nice Day. Its very much a string of concisouness, and it ver much could have used a ghost writer, or at least a better copy editor. The story isn't told cronologically. That jumps back and forth between incredibly interesting, and incredibly impossible to follow. Moxley also interlaces with recommendations for his favorite movies, and favorite music. Perhaps the best part is "Jokes Claudio told me," that my wife appreciated me telling her each day as I read them, sprinkled between storis of loss, of having sex and more F words than I've ever heard from a protagonist narrator. Its …

The Second Generation (Hardcover, 2007, Tor Books) 3 stars

Millions thrilled to Kenneth Johnson's hugely popular mini-series "V," an action filled drama of alien …

A decent direct sequel to the 83 Miniseries

3 stars

V: The Second Generation is an independent novel authored by Kenneth Johnson the producer of the original 1983 V Miniseries, the only part of the V "universe" that Johnson owned the IP rights to. Its written in a way that it should be able to stand on its own so if you've never read or watched anything in the V francise you should be fine to pick this up. However, if you have, I recommend re-watching the the original miniseries first. If you've watched "The Final Battle" or the '85 or '08 T.V. series, or read the earlier spin off books, it can be confusing following this. The Visitors never left Earth, the've been here for over 20 years and the lizard people have continued to control world affairs and are still stealing our liquid water and our second generation has grown up under their brainwashing "knowing" that the Visitors …

The American Zone (Paperback) 4 stars

In the North American Confederacy . . . People are free--really free. Free to do …

Detective Win-bear must prove Americans arent' all bad, but will he die to do so?

No rating

The American Zone was a good way to end out the North American Confederate series. Nearly as good as the first. It really can stand on its own. Certainly no reason to read the rest of the series, particularly the barely even relavant books 3-8. That being said it is certainly a product of its time> Being written at the tale end of 2001 there is a more than mild obsession with terrorism and the possibility that the terrorist aren't who they seem but actually folks who want to create a laviethan state. I susepct that L. Neil Smith is, or at least was at the time, a so-called 9/11 truther. Regardless the story is entriguing. our hero Win-Bear is saved by his healer wife far more times than should be justified for any red-blood American. And even the open minded confederates start blaming the terror plots on immigrants, like …

wants to read V by A. C. Crispin

V (Hardcover, 1984, Gregg Press) No rating

Try To Resist

They arrived - tens of thousands of extraterrestrial beings - in huge …

First devoured the NBC Mini-Series/Mini-Series Sequel/V The Series on NEtflix like 10 years ago, watched the ABC Re-boot TV Series in less than 2 days last week on Tubi. Can't get my fix, so time to start on the books, was going to start on Book 2, but now that I've seen the reboot, I need a reminder of the OG so the novelization it is.

Geekpriest (AudiobookFormat, 2013, Servant Books, An imprint of Franciscan Media) 5 stars

A priest with a lightsaber? With these adventures and anecdotes, Fr. Roderick Vönhogen shares his …

Much better than I expected.

5 stars

If you are a Catholic, a Star Wars fan, a runner, someone concerned about mental health or a podcaster, I recommend this book.

Geekpriest is about the adventures of an unexpected priest from a rural town in the Netherlands. He tells the story of how he grew up a Catholic, and even most people in his Catholic school thought the church teachings where dumb, he wanted to become a comic book artist, but was drawn to the priesthood, against his parents' wishes.

He wrote a hand coded website about the rumors surrounding " Star Wars The Phantom Menace" even though his bishop didn't think it was something a good priest should be doing. Along the way he was able to make references to the Catholic faith seen in the Star Wars universe, and unbeknownst to himself later when attending a Star Wars release received reports from multiple people that he …

reviewed Geekpriest by Roderick Vönhogen

Geekpriest (AudiobookFormat, 2013, Servant Books, An imprint of Franciscan Media) 5 stars

A priest with a lightsaber? With these adventures and anecdotes, Fr. Roderick Vönhogen shares his …

Much better than I expected.

5 stars

If you are a Catholic, a Star Wars fan, a runner, someone concerned about mental health or a podcaster, I recommend this book.

Geekpriest is about the adventures of a unexpected priest from a rural town in the Netherlands. He tells the story of how he grew up a Catholic, and even most people in his Catholic school thought the church teachings where dumb, he wanted to become a comic book artist, but was drawn to the priesthood, against his parents' wishes.

He wrote a handcoded website about the rumors surronding " Star Wars The Phantom Menace" even though his bishop didn't think it was something a good priest should be doing. Along the way he was able to make references to the Catholic faith seen in the Star Wars universe, and unbenost to himself later when attending a Star Wars release recived reports from multiple people that he had …

Understanding Basic Electricity (Hardcover, 2023, Artisan North America) 3 stars

This book will give the non-technical reader a general idea of what electricity is, how …

Not what I was hoping for

3 stars

I received this book for free in return for an honest review through LibraryThings early review program. It was pretty OK. Nothing particularly insightful, I was hoping to be able to use it as a reference for my kids' 4-H project, but not really going to work for us.

reviewed Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

Jurassic Park (AudiobookFormat, 2015, Brilliance Audio) 5 stars

An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now humankind’s most …

Even better than the movie!

5 stars

I had been wanting to watch Jurassic Park again lately, but with two young night owls it's hard to find a time I can watch a PG-13 movie. I thought listening to the audio book might scratch the itch. It actually made it worse as I wanted to note all the differences I heard if they matched my memory from seeing the film in the 90s or not.

The book was fantastic. Its a story we all know pretty well by now, but told so much better. The introduction includes a number of children on the Costa Rican mainland being bit by "lizards" a workman murdered by a raptor (which they tell the doctor was a digger accident, and the workman wakes up to say "raptor" which is interprited as being a cryptozoic creature, and then an American girl was bit by a lizard on a remote beach that caused …

Pedro the Pirate (Hardcover, 2024, Cardinal Rule Press) 4 stars

Hoist a sail? Do it solo! Explore the high seas? Who needs a crew? Not …

A great idea, a fun book, four year old lost interest.

4 stars

I received this book for free as part of LibraryThing's Early Review program an exchange for an honest review.

The book was cute. I really loved the IDEA of showing a foster kid in a new environment, his desire to have nothing to do with these new people, and in the end needing to work together and be nice to achieve a new goal.

The actual story (words) made no actual reference to the foster kid situation, it just sounded like a pirate story. When paired with the "for the parents" section before the story and the book's illustration the idea should be clear. Unfortunately, the pictures didn't seem to be enough to keep my four-year-old's attention, even though they looked great to me. She listened as she went along her playing way. I think it may have been better if the story started with a quick line about how …