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Mattias Hermansson

Joined 2 years, 9 months ago

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Mattias Hermansson's books

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Mattias Hermansson has read 0 of 12 books.

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Sunshine (Paperback, 2004, Jove) 5 stars

My first vampire novel, probably not my last

4 stars

It's not the sort of book I would have read, going by the synopsis on the back, but I was pleasantly surprised.

It has good characters and world building. My only problem is that I wanted to know more about the world,.

I originally bought this book back in 2017 as part of the Humble Bundle women of science fiction & fantasy, and had put it on my endless backlog of books to read. I only recently found it again, and started reading it, without any knowledge of the setting or theme. And since I read it on a black & white Kindle, I was fooled into thinking the liquid in the cup on the cover was coffee.

The Princess Bride (1999, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC) 4 stars

The Princess Bride is a timeless tale that pits country against country, good against evil, …

Surprisingly similar to the movie

4 stars

Having watched the movie several times throughout my life, I was only recently made aware that it was adapted from a book. For the scenes that existed in both book and movie, I could clearly visualize the characters and their voices. It was great to get more details and backstory of the world and its characters.

I liked the meta style of writing with the author jumping in here and there to explain various edits, additions and cuts. But I wasn't so much invested in the author's family life.