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Jayu Eleuthéria

Joined 2 years, 12 months ago

she/her, they/them

i tend to give high scores to books.

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Psicanálise e ciência (Paperback, Portuguese language, 2017, Blucher) No rating

Psicanálise e ciência é um trabalho impecável, elegante e atual, baseado na análise de provas …

Enfim, a psicanálise nerdola

No rating

A very dear professor hyped this book for years. When I finally managed to put my hands on it, it was worthy of all that hype.

There's nothing groundbreaking about it—neither this is its intent. Paulo Beer simply wishes to reopen a constructive, horizontal exchange with science that Lacanian psychoanalysis slowly elided during its history.

reviewed Thalassa by Sándor Ferenczi

Thalassa (Paperback, W. W. Norton) 2 stars

In Thalassa, Ferenczi expands the symbols of pallus and vagina into cosmic symbols, not by …

Cause of death: too much Haeckel

2 stars

I get it. It must've been quite interesting and influential during its time.

But it isn't anymore. If anything, this serves as an archetypal example of the worst ways of deriving theoretical conclusions from psychoanalysis (or importing conclusions from other fields into it).

O futuro de uma ilusão (EBook, Portuguese language, 2010, L&PM Editores) 5 stars

Qual o futuro da humanidade? Este é o ponto de partida de "O futuro de …

The future of one's errors

5 stars

Despite its unending theoretical and technical flaws and mistakes (sometimes because of them), Freud's work still manages to be serviceable to this day. To me, this sets him apart from other early psychoanalysts such as Jung and Ferenczi.

Freud's Eurocentrism and his love for speculation get the best of him here. Religion can't be subsumed to the repression of Hilflosigkeit⁠⁠—it is too culturally and historically diverse for that. But Die Zukunft einer Illusion serves well as a symptomatic text of European modernity itself, almost analogic to it in its structure.