nachtvlucht reviewed Bali (ANWB extra) (Dutch Edition) by Roland Dusik
Short and concise
3 stars
A concise travel book about Bali. Enough to get started for a first trip.
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A concise travel book about Bali. Enough to get started for a first trip.
L'Étranger est le premier roman publié d’Albert Camus, paru en 1942. Il prend place dans la tétralogie que Camus nommera …
Een autistische jongeman vertelt in de vorm van vraag en antwoord over zijn aandoening en gevoelens.
De 13-jarige Naoki uit …
The Iliad of Homer (2006,
An account, in the form of an epic poem written in dactylic hexameter, long thought to be pure Greek mythology, …
Challenging and confusing for a non-native English speaker. Some passages were beautiful, but otherwise difficult.
Emma, by Jane Austen, is a novel about youthful hubris and the perils of misconstrued romance. The novel was first …
Madame Bovary (French language, 2021, Independently Published)
Charles Bovary, médecin de campagne, veuf d'une mégère, fait lors d'une tournée la rencontre du père Rouault et de sa …