Reviews and Comments

Sergey Machulskis

Joined 2 months, 1 week ago

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How to Take Smart Notes (Paperback, 2017, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 4 stars

An informational book that describes and advocates for the note taking system of the German …

Really liked it

4 stars

I have mixed feelings about this book. It's well-written on a small scale (pages, chapters) but the overall structure is a mystery to me.

Did I find a way how to organize a mess in my notes? Not exactly, but I've found some good hints.

Good bits:

  • GTD doesn't work for non-linear writing. Academic writing is non-linear. I was taught otherwise.
  • Organize your notes around the context in which they're going to be useful. Not by topic. Organizing by topic is almost the same as organizing them by year. Looks neat, but it's hard to find a note you need right now.
  • Quotes are useless. If you need to apply the information you've found somewhere, rewrite it in your own words.
  • Brainstorming is useless. Sure, it produces ideas, but they're going to be of a very low quality.

Bad bits:

  • There's a lot of barely related information. The book tries …
Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture (2019, Packt Publishing, Limited) 5 stars

We would all like to build software architecture that yields adaptable and flexible software with …

It was amazing

5 stars

Much better than Martin's book because it's actually usable. The book should be the basis of the "Software architecture 101" course.

There's a lot of bullshit on the interplay between DI frameworks like Spring and application architecture. Most of the bullshit lives in legacy proprietary code, but some part of it goes to the Internet in form of incompetent posts (see top answers on Spring on, or popular blogs on it). It's sad to see such incompetence, but this book is a diamond in the rough. It's very straight and explains how to use the tool properly.

The most enjoyable chapter for me was a chapter about mapping between layers.

Внутрифирменные отношения в вопросах и ответах (Hardcover, Русский language) 5 stars

В книге рассматриваются типичные управленческие ситуации и проблемы, с которыми сталкивается любой руководитель в своей …

It was amazing

5 stars

Милый набор вопросов и развёрнутых ответов. Вопросы уровня «Как мотивировать подчиненного, который считает, что все предлагаемые ему задачи не стоят выеденного яйца?» или «Сотрудник постоянно неправильно понимает и выполняет задачи, а менеджеру жалко переставить его или уволить. Всегда ли не прав менеджер?».

Многие ответы весьма и весьма достойные, но они не так важны, как общий подход. Подход красивый.

Finding Beacons in The Dark (EBook) 4 stars

Finding Beacons in the Dark: A Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence is the most comprehensive …

Really liked it

4 stars

The most practical book on CTI I've ever seen. It contains a lot of information about Cobalt Strike and its usage in the wild. As Cobalt Strike is pretty sophisticated, it represents modern malware very well, I guess.

-1 star for not showing how to port tools and techniques from this book to some other malware types.

Искусство управлять своим временем (AudiobookFormat, Русский language) 3 stars

«Зачем мне эта книга?» спросите Вы.

Подумайте сами. Темпы современной жизни заставляют нас принимать решения …

Liked it

3 stars

Есть в этой книге две интересные мысли.

  1. Разные сферы жизни (работа, здоровье, семья) не должны конкурировать друг с другом, они должны поддерживать друг друга.
  2. Если хочешь, чтобы в ведро влезло побольше всего, сначала нужно положить большие камни, потом мелкие камни, потом насыпать песка, а затем всё залить водой. Именно в таком порядке, не наоборот.
Leading Simple (Paperback) 4 stars

The bestseller by Bodo Schäfer suggests the effective rules of success which change your life! …

Liked it

4 stars

The book presents a framework for leadership and management. The framework is quite interesting and useful as it provides food for thought. Sadly, the book oversells and idealizes the framework and it spoils the impression.

The book has a summary in the end, it's tense and practical. Worth a reread.

37 Things One Architect Knows About IT Transformation (2016, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 5 stars

Useful book

5 stars

This is how senior IT architects and CTOs understand change. To me, it's a pretty unusual point of view. It explains the roles and qualities of an architect in a large enterprise, and how to train yourself to achieve those qualities. It includes expert advice on how to explain stuff, draw diagrams, examine architecture, communicate with stakeholders, to name a few.

The book is not about systems architecture.

The writing is superb, it's super easy to read and profound at the same time.

Go and read it if you:

  • Think that "Move fast and break things" is not a good idea most of the time. The book explained why and when economies of speed are better than economies of scale.
  • Fear code and prefer configuration
  • Don't know what to do with black markets inside of your organization
  • Don't know how to achieve better software quality by increasing speed