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I love to read, but don't always love to write about reading. This realm seems like it might bring out more of my willingness to write about reading. We'll see. :-)

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Ocean's Echo (2022, Little, Brown Book Group Limited) 4 stars

More of a political thriller

4 stars

This is an enjoyable, high-stakes science fiction novel. There is a romance element, but I feel it takes a backseat to the political intrigue and military-action-thriller-ishness of it. Interesting world building, and here we learn more about the alien Remnants which were first introduced in Winter's Orbit, and which provide much of the power and mystery of Maxwell's Resolution universe.

I would certainly recommend this to fans of tense science fiction with plenty of political intrigue and military action. (That's not my thing, so much, but I still enjoyed it.) Also recommended if you enjoy reading about societies where non-heterosexual and non-cisgendered identities are perfectly normal. (And that definitely is my thing.)