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Little Brother (EBook, 2010, Tor Teen) 4 stars

Seventeen year old Marcus and his friends are in the wrong place at the wrong …

Not far from reality and current development of state control

5 stars

The most scary thing is the fact we already live in a society that uses terrorism and other boogeymen to tighten the control of communication and movement of the citizens.

IT security is well explained. Even if this book is for youth, I realized I didn't fully understand some security concepts (public-private key) until now.

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu

The Dark Forest (2016, Head of Zeus) 4 stars

This is the second novel in the "Remembrance of Earth’s Past" near-future trilogy. Written by …

Excellent. On par with Asimov.

5 stars

The second part is as good as the first one. A great combination of astrophysics, sociology, philosophy. Luckily I read Asimov's Foundations before Cixin books and I see there are alot of references and parallels with them. The translation to EN was better and more understandabla in the first part. I had big difficulties imagining characters. Maybe because of Chinese names, or because of their one-dimensionality.

To noč sem jo videl (Slovenian language, 2010, Modrijan) 5 stars

Review of 'To noč sem jo videl' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

  1. sv. vojna ni bila samo med grdimi nacisti in dobrimi partizani, kot so nas učili v šoli.
    Vojn je bilo več: med političnimi strankami (komunisti vs klerikalci), med družbenimi razredi (elita vs kmeti in delavci), med domobranci in gošarji, med gošarji in nacisti, med kraljevo gardo in Nemci, med partizani in kraljevo gardo, med ustaši in četniki.
    Sedaj izračunaj vse možne kombinacije in dobiš vojn, kolikor jih želiš.
    Vendar to še ni vse.
    Odvijalo se je še precej podtalnih vojn: med tradicionalnim in stereotipnim odnosom do žensk in ta naprednim. Med neumnostjo in razgledanostjo.
    V vso to zmedo daj žensko, ki hoče samo živeti in je vojna ne zanima.
    Le kaj lahko iz te kolobocije nastane? Pretresljiva zgodba, zaradi katere me še vedno boli celo telo, ko pomislim nanjo.

    Ni čudno, da so vojne rane po 75 letih še vedno odprte. Ne gre samo za to, kaj je kdo groznega …