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Anti-Ödipus (German language, 1977, Suhrkamp Verlag) No rating

Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (French: Capitalisme et schizophrénie. L'anti-Œdipe) is a 1972 book by French …

Okay this book is kinda challenging. It takes me so much time to progress...

On the other hand I find it fascinating and don't want to stop going on; maybe I just have to take my time.

Kampfsporttraining effektiv (Paperback, Motorbuch Verlag) 4 stars

Gives an introduction into training theory focused on martial arts fighters.

For someone not really theoretically experienced in the field it was a good start with lots of information. Ranging from training theory to physical regeneration to nutrition an diets.

The book itself does not provide you detailed plans or workouts but rather the basics for creating your own plan fitting your needs.