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Joined 2 years, 10 months ago

i have no humans failings whatsoever, all my failings are animal.

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reviewed Map of the Harbor Islands by J. G. Hayes

Map of the Harbor Islands (Paperback, 2006, Harrington Park Press) 5 stars

Review of 'Map of the Harbor Islands' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars


Observation: Impossible not mention At Swim, Two Boys, not as a comparison but as a mere fact that both books were made to sit side by side on a bookshelf. Though they differ as narratives, At Swim dealing specially with the banality of war and the burden of loss while A Map deals with the struggles of accepting that life is and such should be celebrated, both walk side by side on their thematic sidewalks.

A Map of the Harbor Islands is a rather hard to find 2006 book about the comes and goes of two friendships throughout the years, best genre always. Danny's "fear leading into impulsivity" is a constant throughout the book and it's what draws most of the narrative's conflicts while Petey is an omnipresent figure: when he is not right there in front of you, he's hidden behind every word. Birdy.

The writing …