Reviews and Comments


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A Shadow in Summer (2006, Tor) 5 stars

The city-state of Saraykeht dominates the Summer Cities. Its wealth is beyond measure; its port …

Review of 'A shadow in summer' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Well written, and from Daniel Abraham I know I can count on the prose and pacing. Female characters were very well thought out. I felt the actions were rushed at times. Tis book is about humaneness and choices we make on a basic level, and the thought process that goes in hand. Can't say I loved it. But it was better than average.

World War Z (2006, Crown) 4 stars

“The end was near.” —Voices from the Zombie War

The Zombie War came unthinkably close …

Review of 'World War Z' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Collection of interviews on a great apocalypse. Heartful horrifying and detailed and will shook your most basic thing-we-take-for-granted - that we are infallible

Abaddon's Gate (Paperback, 2013, Orbit) 5 stars

For generations, the solar system — Mars, the Moon, the Asteroid Belt — was humanity's …

Review of "Abaddon's Gate" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I felt it was a drag halfway through. I even defected to some Iain M Banks and Max Gladstone. I picked it back up and read some hundred pages. It was so good I could not take it off of my mind. I read this book at nights after winning big or losing miserably amidst my first Vegas trip and finished the last part in car, first time I've done that to any book. Which goes to show how satisfied I was with the end.

Wakes had Miller. Caliban's war had Avasarala. Abaddon's gate has Anna Volodov. A Christian priest that spoke sense amongst people who would rather see everyone around them die, and kept every grounded when whole world went tatters.

Holden - with his own start a war and help best to stop it!, pulling humanity away from annihilation yet again. Miller in his new avatar - helping …

Ancillary Justice (Paperback, 2013, Orbit) 4 stars

On a remote, icy planet, the soldier known as Breq is drawing closer to completing …

Review of 'Ancillary Justice' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I am torn between loving this book and hating it. For one, the book will be loved by fans of Iain M Banks. It will be an author's favorite. The quality of writing constantly tries to be complex, and while it falters sometimes, it comes out great when it doesn't.
Space operas nowadays are going through a change. I feel the genre is trying to take a hard look at itself - and from being a over expository, feed the reader about various parameters in every scene, to believing in the reader's aptitude and let them understand the inner workings of the story from the big picture the author explains.
Books like Leviathan Wakes and January dancer worked for me because of how distinct their characters were, and how them- coming together drives the story as it goes. But Ancillary Justice seemed one dimensional at best. The culture is distinct, …

Revelation space (2000, Orion Publishing Group) 4 stars

Alastair Reynolds's critically acclaimed debut has redefined the space opera with a staggering journey across …

Review of 'Revelation space' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I waited two weeks before penning this review[before which I've started reading the Redemption arc], just to let my feelings for the book sink in. I want to give Revelation Space 5 stars but there are few aspects that pulled it down to 4.5 stars.

I bought the book in early 2011, my second purchase from Amazon ever. Growing up with Jules Verne I was out of touch from reading for nearly a decade. The Mysterious Islands, Journey to the center of the earths were my everyday reads back in school. So when I got in touch of old nerd-buddies, I was strongly advised to ‘start’ back the reading habit with this. They couldn’t be more wrong and let me explain why.

Revelation Space starts off amongst three streams -a violent desert storm in the far-flung planet of Resurgam where Dan Sylveste investigates the 900,000 year old Amarantin civilization and …