Reviews and Comments

choconougat Locked account

Joined 3 years, 6 months ago

Even with nougat, you can have a perfect moment.

I am a very nagging person, most noticeably a fan of terry pratchett. Currently doing some catching-up with Irish literature due to hoizer book club.

Oh yes, books will be recorded in the language I read them in.

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Agnes Grey (1998) No rating

Agnes Grey, A Novel is the debut novel of English author Anne Brontë (writing under …

well now that I read (listened to) it, it really is not the same as Jane Eyre. And as I started to work for real, all I see is working people's pov xD She just Really Wants Her Annual Leave! Also the clients are so annoying, the customers are so annoying, but she doesn't have money so she has to do the work, oh dear I feel for her (?) yeah teaching is very demanding indeed

Alice by Heart (2020, Penguin Young Readers Group) 3 stars

I had expectations. I can only say that probably because I didn't like Alice in Wonderland anyway, so I didn't like this much either. But I can feel that a nice stage version of this may be good. It would be the difference between the obc spring awakening and the deaf west revival of spring awakening (mentioning spring awakening because of the author(s))

commented on The Well-Beloved by Thomas Hardy

The Well-Beloved (2007) No rating

The Well-Beloved: A Sketch of a Temperament is a novel by Thomas Hardy. It spans …

难以置信,前一本the sea the sea是男的只有在觉得女的喜欢他的时候特别心思细腻想象力丰富,于是我决定换一下回到熟悉的Hardy, 结果Hardy: 男的给自己隔三岔五移情别恋找个理由说是我命中注定的爱人换了个躯壳;然后因为错过了一个情人转而二十年后追她女儿,没成,转而二十年后再追外孙女儿,。。。。。。。。我笑很大声,thomas hardy, everyone(clap clap). 外孙女儿跟他订婚之后听到坦白时:你追过我妈?还有我外婆?你追过我great grandmother吗?? 啊笑死我了thomas hardy