En train (Paperback, français language, 2022, GALLIM LOISIRS) 3 stars

Le trajet, c'est déjà le voyage...

Avec ce livre, nous avons imaginé 32 itinéraires pour …

Interesting but not enthralling

3 stars

I had high hopes for "En Train" after having thoroughly enjoyed "Trains de Nuit," by the same press and in the same format. But it didn't grab me in the same way.

Trains de Nuit was about, well, overnight trains. En Train is about multi-day journeys, often involving effort to get to and from the endpoints, sometimes involving sizable rubber-wheel sections. The itineraries didn't feel self-contained. I felt like I was gaining time, cheating the clock, by changing countries in my sleep; but with these journeys I felt the clock ticking.