
commented on NGINX Cookbook by Derek DeJonghe

NGINX Cookbook (2020, O'Reilly Media, Incorporated) 4 stars

Chapter 2.

Why is the author using acronyms without much explanation (i.e FQDN on page 11) and then later on just suddenly elaborating on it as if it is the first time it being employed

Well at least the term in that case is explained.

Besides that, there are many terms/jargons that are just thrown at me, expecting me to know what they mean without explanation. Maybe some people are ok with reading stuff that don’t fully comprehend as long as le vif du sujet is well presented.

What it aims to explain I have understood with no problem. But along the explanation the author has brings up things that I have no idea what they are and I don’t see what they serve besides confusing and frustrating me.

Or maybe this book is targeting more advanced idk.