Cyber War Will Not Take Place (EBook, London: Hurst/Oxford University Press) 4 stars

"Cyber war is coming," announced a land-mark RAND report in 1993. In 2005, the U.S. …

Good for the time, still something good to keep around

4 stars

This book is an overview of the (at the time) current incidents linked to cyber infrastructure. It also tries to introduce classic philosophical concepts about the "cyberspace". Indeed, at the time of writing that book (2013), cyberwar was present in every mouth and especially in fearmongering terms such as "cyber 9-11" or "cyber Pearl Harbor" but lack conceptual understanding.

Before diving into the large number of examples, the author sets the base concepts for war (Clausewitz), espionage, sabotage and subversion. Reading this book almost 10 years later brings a lot of perspective and truth to the assumptions of the author. As a lot of them remained true, one can reflect about what cyberwar actually is. Cyberwar don't create "cyber deaths" and until now no known incidents lead to the direct deaths of humans (among others). Further conceptual work and time must pass before we grasp the specific nature of cyberwar. …