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Fleischmarkt: Weibliche Körper im Kapitalismus (German language, 2012) No rating

Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism is a 2011 book by British journalist, author and …

Hm ich weiß nicht ob meine Analyse jetzt in irgendeiner Form davon profitiert hat. Eigentlich bin ich vor allem wütend geworden.

Vielleicht müsste ich es gedruckt lesen, anstatt es als Hörbuch zu hören, das macht das Pausieren und Nachdenken für mich leichter.

Klimaangst 1 star

Die Klimakrise bedroht nicht nur unsere Erde als Lebensgrundlage, sondern auch das psychische Wohlbefinden vieler …


1 star

Liest sich als hätten die Autorinnen verzweifelt versucht die Mindestanzahl von Seiten zu füllen, haufenweise Allgemeinplätze und Wiederholungen. Zudem aus einer sehr privilegierten Perspektive geschrieben ohne jeden Versuch, eine andere einzunehmen.

Bitter (Paperback, 2022, Faber & Faber, Limited) No rating

Bitter is thrilled to have been chosen to attend Eucalyptus, a special school where she …

a book to pick you up

4 stars

it was so nice reading about this revolutionary movement at a time when my own movements and groups tend to disappoint me. it's a movement that does a lot of things right. also it's great to witness the affection and understanding with which the characters treat each other. props for including disabled people and the super super nice quotes by mariame kaba and gwendolyn brooks. there was not a lot going on plot-wise or suspension-wise but the lovely characters made up for it.

Bitter (Paperback, 2022, Faber & Faber, Limited) No rating

Bitter is thrilled to have been chosen to attend Eucalyptus, a special school where she …

a self-care book

4 stars

it was so nice reading about this revolution happening at a time when my own movements and groups tend to disappoint me. also it's great to see the affection and understanding with which the people in this book treat each other. props for including disabled people and the super super nice quotes by mariame kaba and gwendolyn brooks. there was not a lot going on plot-wise or suspension-wise but the lovely characters made up for it.