Reviews and Comments

choconougat Locked account

Joined 2 years, 10 months ago

Even with nougat, you can have a perfect moment.

I am a very nagging person, a fan of terry pratchett, former fan of gaiman who might come back to him after I'm done with pratchett, life-long sherlockian, and some other labels I can't remember at the moment or haven't got yet. I also read layman maths books sometimes to try to save my hopeless academic writing.

Oh yes, books will be recorded in the language I read them in.

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commented on Red Dragon by Thomas Harris

Red Dragon (1982, Bantam Books) No rating

If you never thought a book could make you quake with fear, prepare yourself for …

Content warning red dragon film/book/show (s3) plots

Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul (Paperback, 1991, Pocket) 5 stars

Douglas Adams for those who may not be familiar with either him or his books …

I finished listening a while ago, but then I immediately lost my phone, so i didn't do the planned listening-for-a-second-time-and-picking-up-more-details, which I wanted to do before I said anything about it.

Well it is nicely suspenseful story, fun to listen to, weirdly similar in the myth basis so I got really confused when I did this and American Gods simultaneously, because they are both using Norse mythology for the main plotline/characters .... and it is rather similar to the taste of Hitchhiker's.

The Hot Potato song is still stuck in my head.

Red Dragon (1982, Bantam Books) No rating

If you never thought a book could make you quake with fear, prepare yourself for …

Well! Unexpectedly... it is true that Hannibal NBC is authentic to the theme of this. And the feeling of the writing. The ending paragraph even has got the Pterry feeling of choosing to be what you are, and we are all capable of good and evil, and good and evil are man-made concepts. Well! I mean ... it does stem from the William Blake poems and Blake's always been on the symmetry of human nature, not only in the quoted songs of innocence and experience, but also in marriage of heaven and hell. It all goes full circle....

North and South (Paperback, 2007, BiblioBazaar) No rating

When her father leaves the Church in a crisis of conscience, Margaret Hale is uprooted …

This is more interesting than I thought. It's like Pride and Prejudice but the conflicts are between classes, and the transformation from the agriculture-landowner way of making a living, to the industry-manufacturer way. It has pretty good way of looking at strike, and seeking understanding between people with different perspectives. Margaret is able to change from her how she's brought up, but the old life is always chasing her and trying to imprison her again, and that leaves her quite lonely. Same for Thornton. People that are on the margin of their designated groups, who are capable and willing to cross the boundary, what's not to love about them.

commented on Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett

Unseen Academicals (Hardcover, 2009, Doubleday) 4 stars

The wizards at Ankh-Morpork's Unseen University are renowned for many things_wisdom, magic, and their love …

I'm now slightly worried, because almost all tyranny in the whole Disc series is sorted out by overthrowing the old tyrant and substituting it with a nice, kind new one. I am slightly worried this is not going to last, that without changing the system, it will soon slip back to the old kind of tyranny. But on the other hand, the new one, or some of them, are trying to change the system. Not very fast and not very obviously, but I think ... they are trying to change the system while not allowing power to get out of their own hand. Well not exactly not ... it's ... intricate ... to be more specific ... I wouldn't say Vetinari lets Vimes to take power away from him, but ... he does give Vimes a lot of freedom to do things in Vimes' ways ... but on the other …

The Aeneid of Virgil (Paperback, 1982, University of California Press) No rating

The Aeneid is a Latin epic poem, written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC, …

听是听完了但具体发生了什么就很快忘掉了,人家真的记不住名字和顺序啊.... 但是Cecil Day Lewis的译本里有一句 Heaven-sent trial, 这个词组深深地被脑子记住了并没事就拿出来砸我.... I never thought the phrase heaven-sent would be followed by trial, but it makes so much sense?

The Odyssey (Penguin Classics) (2006, Penguin Classics) 4 stars

The Odyssey (/ˈɒdəsi/; Greek: Ὀδύσσεια, Odýsseia) is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems …

well, 听的audiobook是 translated by Ian Johnston, 看不出来这个译本好坏,反正只是补习一下文化罢了。

现在听到Circe这个变猪的故事,才想起来原来KoL里wand of pigification也有用这个典吧....而且KoL里就是从女巫手里打过来的wand()

但是真奇妙,为什么谁都想睡奥德修斯??为何 So put that sword back in its sheath, and let the two of us go up into my bed. When we’ve made love, then we can trust each other. ?想代一些cp但又觉得有些不适用()

你们希腊神真的很有意思,Ares和Aphrodite: Come, my dear, let’s go to bed and make love together. Hephaestus is not home. Ares spoke. To Aphrodite having sex with him seemed quite delightful. So the two raced off to bed and lay down together. 还挺可爱...... race off to bed .... 挺着急 .....

奥德修斯也挺可爱,找不到在哪里了但我记得听到人家叫他讲讲你的经历,他说,太饿了先吃饭吧我现在一心都在想吃的吃完再说吧..... 而且这里面经常写xxx给奥德修斯准备xxx食物甜酒上路或者请他吃喝食物甜酒...

on the other hand 不知道是否取决于译本,文本里有很多重复出现的固定句子,like rose-fingered early dawn, prudent Telemachus。前阵看Lehman Triology,就觉得Lehman剧本写法演法很古典史诗文风,那种主要第三人称叙述穿插一些第一人称自述。而且Lehman也有重复句子,尽管可能重复得比这个interval小一点而且分段里重复的不一样,不像rose-fingered early dawn是从头到尾固定搭配。(hm Lehman谢幕幕起幕落三次,我自然可以当作那是给三兄弟一人一次,但我看见的时候脑子里联想到的是埃涅阿斯三次伸出手去碰亡妻/父的鬼魂但从中间穿了过去....)

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (Hardcover, 1987, Simon and Schuster) 5 stars

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency is a ghost-horror-detective-time travel-romantic comedy epic.

Dirk Gently is a …

I like it very much, like more than hitchhiker's ... hitchhiker feels more like colour of magic. Dirk Gently feels like at least Pyramids, like slightly later pterry, where structure-wise little things in the beginning are actually foreshadowing later events, they are little clues, and considering this is a detective story (sort of) and the theme is on everything is connected, it is really very well-matched form and content. Also it's very Shada, with the time traveller secretly living in Cambridge for hundreds of years. I mean. This is Shada (x).

The Complete Robot [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2018] ISAAC ASIMOV (2018, Fiction) 5 stars

The complete collection of Isaac Asimov’s classic Robot stories.

In these stories, Asimov creates the …

I felt it funny, because this is so like debugging, it's like watching a testing/debugging tutorial.... every story is kind of like some robot issues were found and they were trying to design some tests and find out which part of the laws was making it do that. Later stories have some more about how the Laws are logically preventing misuse. I do feel it may be a bit too optimistic to believe under the three laws there is no way the robot could, as the story where the first law was changed said, hold grudge, believe in its own superiority, start a religion and a revolution. I doubt if human could make the robots that can and will always make better - more morally correct - decisions than humans do, with the laws.

But on the other hand, I suppose in that story, she was just trying to take …

commented on To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill A Mockingbird (2010, Arrow Books Ltd) 5 stars

One of the best-loved stories of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird has been translated …

It is good. I'll note down some passages, because it would be very long if I record everything in quote...

Atticus Finch's speech at the court is of course the most important. Then there is the part of rigorous school teaching plan. The part where Miss Maudie said her church people criticise her for spending too much time in the garden and not enough time reading the Bible and saying this is too much pleasure to be a good humble believer. The part where Calpurnia brought the two kids to her black people's church. All the parts with Boo Radley. Dill's running away. I think Ms Alexandra and people's kitchen talk and the hiding of true sad things beneath the trivial chitchat? and the part of minding coming from a good family too much, and all the parts about we are not their kind of people (or folks, as in …

commented on To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill A Mockingbird (2010, Arrow Books Ltd) 5 stars

One of the best-loved stories of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird has been translated …

wow, if this trial were at this age, the questions were going to be picked at so much ... this questioning of why didn't you run, why didn't you fight back, why didn't you scream. (but it's frame so it's probably okay to question that? i don't even know ......)

commented on American Gods by Neil Gaiman

American Gods (Paperback) 4 stars

Days before his release from prison, Shadow's wife, Laura, dies in a mysterious car crash. …

oh I really like the Cornish Death ... it's just I felt familiar with the green is the colour of death, then I remembered it was in DW the Master's audio story .... but it was ... idk where, somewhere probably not earth (

This book's idea of god and belief is actually very Discworld adjacent, I ....