1Q84 (2011) 4 stars

1Q84 (いちきゅうはちよん, Ichi-Kyū-Hachi-Yon, stylized in the Japanese cover as "ichi-kew-hachi-yon") is a novel written by …

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I really liked the structure of the book, with alternating limited third person narration (alternating between the two protagonists), but it became confusing towards the end because the limited perspective kept bouncing around from paragraph to paragraph, rather than chapter to chapter, as was initially established. This shift in narrative format took me somewhat out of the story.

Although, by that time, it became clear that this novel is more of a romance than anything else, which took me out of the story anyway, as romances hold less interest for me.

Most of the book was fairly interesting, but not among my favorites, for sure.