The way the characters employ the word “science”, or “scientific methods” sometimes reminds me too much of Dr.Stone with his all over the place “the power of science” mantra
Reviews and Comments
Books will be reviewed in the language read. (More like I wish but my monotasking brain speaks in whatever language it pleases shrug
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OragePika commented on The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
OragePika finished reading La bonne correspondence by Henri Fontenay
J'ai trouvé dans ma bibliothèque ce bouquin appelé "La Bonne Correspondance" pour m'aider lors de l'écriture d'un courriel électronique au directeur de ma section.
C'est un bouquin qui a été publié en 1984, alors les lettres sont tous très ampoulées.
Le champ de ce livre est très étendu.
Les modèles de lettre peuvent aller de la réconciliation avec des amis, la réclamation auprès d'un voisin pour plantation illégales d'arbres, jusqu'à des lettres de félicitation à un acteur de théâtre/une actrice de cinéma et des demandes d'audience particulière à un Ministre de la République.
Ça m'a un peu amusée de lire toutes ces lettres.
En fin de compte, ce courriel à mon directeur a été écrit avec ma sècheresse habituelle.
OragePika started reading À la ligne : Feuillets d'usine by Joseph Ponthus
OragePika commented on The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Chapter 11 is awfully long. During the reading and listening I kept getting distracted.
The descriptions of all the exquisite objects dragged on for too long and the details of all these exquisiteness simply don’t interest me.
Like I get it, he has a very bling bling and vain lifestyle, moving on!
![夫人精通茶艺 (中文 language)](/images/covers/9DBFDA44-A61D-47CD-A66C-F793CBB77FB3.jpeg)
夫人精通茶艺 by 木桃逢新
面前忽然砸下一袋黄金,玉冠束发玄袍加身的男人抬起手,远远指着她:“就她了。” …
OragePika started reading The Picture of Dorian Gray: An Annotated, Uncensored Edition by Oscar Wilde
OragePika reviewed NGINX Cookbook by Derek DeJonghe
Does the job correctly
4 stars
I know I just wrote an angry post complaining, but tbfair the book is overall well written. Among all the nginx stuff (mostly on oreilly) I have read and watched, I think this is by far the best one.
It is succinct, straight to the point. Challenge, solution, and an example with explanation. Clean.
Originally I wanted to read the book because many parts of the fediverse have been under ddos-attack, and I was looking for ways to protect the servers I administer. And they are found.
I skipped a lot of the chapters as I don’t have an nginx plus, I don’t need a cdn, I don’t need a lot of the stuff.
It’s relatively well written, intuitive and thorough. Could be used as a study guide or a quick reference book.
Some basic understanding of nginx is needed to appreciate this book.
OragePika commented on NGINX Cookbook by Derek DeJonghe
Chapter 2.
Why is the author using acronyms without much explanation (i.e FQDN on page 11) and then later on just suddenly elaborating on it as if it is the first time it being employed
Well at least the term in that case is explained.
Besides that, there are many terms/jargons that are just thrown at me, expecting me to know what they mean without explanation. Maybe some people are ok with reading stuff that don’t fully comprehend as long as le vif du sujet is well presented.
What it aims to explain I have understood with no problem. But along the explanation the author has brings up things that I have no idea what they are and I don’t see what they serve besides confusing and frustrating me.
Or maybe this book is targeting more advanced idk.
OragePika reviewed The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
If you are using audible, get the Russell Tovey Version
4 stars
Originally I was listening to a LibreVox version, but since there are a lot of dialogues, it was difficult for me to keep tabs on who’s speaking if without good dramatisation, and I got confused all the time as to who’s said what, so I joined the audible membership.
Russell’s dramatisation is ingeniously done and is I think by far the best one. Each character a distinct tone, accent and rhythm.
OragePika reviewed She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
OragePika commented on La force des émotions by François Lelord
Should I consider it a scientific little treatise or a mere self help book? I was unable to make up my mind about up till now.
It’s a tiring little book, full of témoignages, trop de témoignages qui déclenchent des flashbacks pénibles très souvent, et pas assez de raisonnement de sang-froid.
Le mot « self-book » n’est pas une catégorisation, mais plutôt une description de comment les conseils donnés sont vides et inutiles même s’ils paraissent raisonnables au premier regard.
La raisonnement est trop lâche pour que ce livre se qualifie comme « scientifique » mais l’écriture trop ennuyeuse to be considered entertaining
In short: useless.
Not complete garbage, but meh.
OragePika rated La force des émotions: 3 stars
![La force des émotions (français language, 2003, Odile Jacob (22 mars 2003))](/images/covers/6F7DCE94-FCDC-4DA1-97D4-DB0A4BB27913.jpeg)
La force des émotions by François Lelord, Christophe André
Combien d'erreurs commises " sous le coup de l'émotion ", mais aussi combien d'autres évitées parce que nous avons su …