
@choconougat 太太,饿饿,饭饭🥺

I have only binged through the first season and have to wait till the end of the exam season to binge through the second. A good friend of mine has prepared a fannibal starter pack for me to consume once I have finished all two seasons. If she is ok with it I will share the pack with you. 如果有不适合公开放出的定制文的话我就只分享我能分享的了🤷‍♀️

@pikapika hhhhh 没事,其实我并不嗑cp(?)也不会自己写什么(你)(但是也不拒绝fanfics(读过一些S4 fanfics S2和S3很棒,每一季都在刷新这个关系,爽极了(it's beautiful) I've spent the past six months going through the episodes (three times (??)) and shedload of analysis essays and extras and commentaries and interviews, I'm still halfway through the commentaries ( 如有需要的话 我能提供一些优秀的 tumblr 分析小论文(什么)和搞笑blog(你

replied to OragePika's status

@pikapika hhh 我是一个离开括弧讲不了中文的mastodon用户嘛 汤这位 这个链接是我最喜爱汤主的S1 meta的整理,这位汤主是我见过arguments写得最好的一位,very concise and very logical and properly objective even tho she absolutely stans for Will, 且熟读原著,专业是literature,职业是literature teacher,也许这就是为什么人家预测剧情神准(((( 她的S1 meta很多是在S2 S3播出之前写的,有一些从三季之后的角度回顾会有一些不准,但是... 还是比其他某些观众的小论文好多了。 我没有看过vampire diaries, sorry XD